Media Release: Trace the Exchange – Celebrating World Landscape Architecture Month with Visioning Workshops
Winnipeg, MB – Inspired by recent artwork of the Exchange District installed at Bronuts Donuts + Coffee, HTFC Planning & Design staff will celebrate World Landscape Architecture Month in April with two workshops:
- Where: Bronuts Donuts + Coffee (100 King St.)
- When: April 3 and 10 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
- Why: Offer downtown placemaking and greening ideas
- How: Participants will record ideas for the Exchange District with tracing paper and maps of the area
- Win: Share your ideas and work of art on Instagram (tag @htfcwpg @bronutswpg @the_exchange_winnipeg) to be entered for a chance to win a box of doughnuts, sponsored by Exchange District BIZ.
“As landscape architects and stewards of public landscapes, we are constantly inspired by the neighbourhoods that we work, live, and play in,” says Monica Giesbrecht, Principal of HTFC Planning & Design. “The love and civic pride businesses share with others have a significant impact on our city. We love the whimsical map of the Exchange District in Bronuts, as it presents all sorts of interesting placemaking interventions and ideas to make the area vibrant. We’re excited to invite the public to come out and build on these ideas, and to spark some renewed interest in the downtown.”
Earlier in 2017, HTFC Planning & Design offered some New Years resolutions for design in Winnipeg. One resolution in particular – going green and working towards rebalancing the nature deficit by giving people reasons to spend time outside – will be a key focus of the Trace the Exchange workshops, in addition to other design interventions to inspire people to visit the Exchange District.
“Being in the Exchange District gives us an opportunity to engage with neighboring businesses and creative companies like HTFC, sharing in our vision to do more of what already makes Winnipeg amazing. Supporting and giving space to our community and customers to share their ideas, brainstorm and think about the opportunities that are possible for our city,” says Brett Zahari, co-owner of Bronuts Donuts & Coffee. “We so appreciate the regulars and local community members who share their stories and experiences with us at the cafe, it’s something we have always tried to prioritize at Bronuts. Making space for those day to day conversations provide feedback, conversation, and commentary on what they envision for the Exchange District, and Winnipeg as a whole, it’s so inspiring. We’re very excited to co-host an engaging discussion in our space as part of World Landscape Architecture Month. We can’t wait to hear what people would like to see pop-up in the Exchange District!”
“The Exchange District is a community rooted in collaboration, creativity and fresh ideas,” says Karen Kornelsen, Manager of Marketing, Communications and Events at the Exchange District BIZ. “It’s no wonder it’s home to the highest concentration of artists, innovators and creative designers in Winnipeg. Passionate business owners like Brett from Bronuts, companies like HTFC and creative events like this are what make the Exchange the global creative district it is today.”
About World Landscape Architecture Month
Every April Canadian landscape architects join their colleagues around the world to celebrate our profession. April is the perfect month to share our profession and reach out to our communities, notable for Earth Day (April 22nd) and the birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted (April 27th), founder of the landscape architecture profession in North America.
The Purpose of the CSLA WLAM program is to provide resources to:
- bring local and national recognition and awareness to the profession, Landscape Architects, and works of landscape architecture in Canada;
- encourage public participation and interest in events and activities related to landscape architecture; and,
- encourage people (particularly young people) to consider a career in landscape architecture.
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Media Inquiries:
Jason Syvixay
Phone: (204) 944-9907; Cell: (204) 997-3040