Clearspring Middle School Featured
HTFC, along with Stantec Architecture, is pleased to announce that our project, Clearspring Middle School, is to be featured at the Manitoba Chapter, Canada Green Building Council’s Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2014.
Clearspring Middle School is a new greenfield schoolground built for the Public School Finance Board in Steinbach, Manitoba. This project marks the first time the province has committed to developing the entire schoolground in a sustainable manner. The new entrance court, bike parking, pick up drop off areas, bioswales, shelterbelts, aspen woodlot buffers, trails, vegetable gardens, demonstration wetland, butterfly garden, hills and sciences court form a rich place where learning, playing and gathering is accessible to the entire community.
We invite you to an evening celebrating the benefits of LEED, at the Manitoba Hydro Place Gallery on May 7th!