Municipal Planning Guide to Zoning By-Laws in Manitoba

HTFC Planning & Design worked with a steering committee from Manitoba’s Indigenous and Municipal Relations department (formerly MMG) to develop the Municipal Planning Guide for Zoning By-Laws in Manitoba. This three-part document provides practical guidance on the role and function of zoning in a Manitoba context. It also provides zoning tools that can be used to implement development plan policies related to active transportation, walkable communities, affordable housing, and preserving or enhancing the character of an area.


The Guide was created with significant consultation with officials working for municipalities and planning districts as well as members of various departments of the Manitoba Government. HTFC embraced the challenge of creating a guide that covers the wide range of needs in smaller urban municipalities and rural area across Manitoba (outside of Winnipeg and Brandon).

The Guide is made up of three components:

  1. The Introduction to Zoning,
  2. The Reference Binder of Model Zoning Language, and
  3. The Plug-In Sections of Zoning Tools.